Certificate in Wool Technology - Classing
This programme has been specifically designed for the skilled wool handler looking to further develop their professional skills to include wool classing.
This qualification has been aligned with the equivalent qualification in Australia. Graduates of Tectra’s Certificate in Wool Classing now have the opportunity to enter a short two-week endorsement programme in Australia to achieve their Australian classing ticket. With this ticket you can work in Australia classing wool.
A big part of this programme involves practical learning in the shed. Trainee classer mentoring provides students the opportunity to work alongside a professional classer who provides mentoring support and on the job training. This is where the theory is put into practice in a working shed. Communicating with the farmer and translating his needs into how you will set up and run the shed is a fundamental requirement of the job. Learning under the guidance of skilled professionals allows the skills to be developed in a controlled and positive environment.
For information please give Robyne Murray a call on 027 581 8144