Certificate in Wool Technology
Students learn about wool properties
The Certificate in Wool Technology is a two-year part time programme of five papers, taught mainly extramurally and including one short, practical block course.
It is suitable for farmers, brokers, processors - in fact anyone wanting to further their understanding of wool and the wool industry in this country.
Papers included on the course are: An Introduction to the New Zealand Wool Industry, An Introduction to Sheep and Wool Production; Wool Characteristics and Their Assessment; Wool Classification; and Communication and Information.
Successful candidates will have an in-depth understanding of the structure of the New Zealand wool industry and its history; animal health and welfare; the biology of wool growth and removal; the main characteristics of different wool types and the significance of these for its end-use; how to assess wool characteristics; and spoken and non-verbal communication skills.
Each paper involves approximately 8 hours of study per week, including readings and assignments. Enrolments close on March 1, late enrolments may be accepted only if places are available.
The course fees are $500 per paper (including GST).
For further information click here or email laurie.boniface@tectra.co.nz for an application form or call free phone 0800 496 657.
To view the 2005 Certificate in Wool Technology pamphlet please download the attached PDF training_dl_lo_res.pdf