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Women in Farming have a blast

Monday, 11 April 2005
The Manawatu/Rangitikei Women in Farming group tried something different for their latest event with a firearm safety and pest control day.

The day was hosted by Tracey Peters who is a qualified firearms coach and president of the Taihape branch of the New Zealand Deer Stalkers Association. The group was briefed on the safe use and handling of firearms and then lined up to learn the basics of using a .22.

By the end of the morning all the women had fired a number of practice shots and competed in a shoot. Despite the fact that many of them had never fired a rifle before, the results were surprisingly high!

Tectra's regional managerfor the Western Lower North Island,  Lynne Moore had the top score of 48/50 on her first time using a rifle! Lynne puts this down to the high quality of the coaching, perseverance and a bit of natural talent!

The next Manawatu Women in Farming event is on the 12th of April in Taihape with Euan Campbell from Probitus Ltd, a fertiliser company focussed on soil mineral balance and its inter-relationship with animal health. The afternoon focus will be faecal egg counting.