Project Name
Project Objectives
Establishing a population of naturally twinning
beef cows (PDF 66 Kb) (an Excel spreadsheet
(45 Kb) is also available)
To conduct a feasibility study of the importation of semen &
embryos from the MARC Twinning herd. To prepare a cost benefit
analysis of the importation by constructing spread sheets to factor
in variables for success of initial ET, differing farming environments
& on farm performance. To prepare a management report based
on the current management of the MARC herd following a visit to
the Clay centre observing a calving period & genetic selection
Ewe wastage in high performing flocks
(00FT77) No Report Yet
To monitor feeding levels, body weight, condition score and metabolic
profiles of high performing ewes in order to develop management
techniques to assist in reducing ewe losses in late pregnancy.
The analysis of a ewe scanning database to identify reproductive
efficiency indicators
(99FT59 (completed) hard copy from Meat NZ
/ Meat & Wool Innovation)
To analyse an existing database of farm management and ewe pregnancy
scanning information in order to identify factors that have significant
influence on scanning and docking percentages. Also to run a series
of field days to provide farmers with information on improving
reproductive efficiency in sheep.
The development of best management practices
for hogget lambing (PDF 28 Kb)
To investigate a wide range of hogget mating and lambing practices,
thereby identifying critical management practices that need special
attention to ensure successful hogget mating/lambing. Also, to
develop a best management practice handbook for use in the wider
Improving reproductive efficiency in mid-Otago
sheep flocks (PDF 33 Kb)
To quantify the main causes of lamb losses on five mid-Otago
farms during the 1999 lambing season. Also, to run a field day
to improve farmers' knowledge on how to improve reproductive efficiency.
The effect of ewe shearing on reproductive
(PDF 65KB) (99FT49)
To investigate the effect of pre-lamb/mid-pregnancy shearing
on ewe losses, lamb survival and growth rate, ewe wool production
and wool processing characteristics in crossbred, Corriedale and
Merino sheep.
The interaction between zinc and zearalanone
induced ewe infertility (PDF 17 Kb)
To establish whether zinc has a role in protecting twotooth ewes
from the effects of ingesting the fungal toxin zearalanone during
the mating period.
The prevention of zearalanone-induced ewe
infertility (PDF 820 Kb)
To investigate the effectiveness of a number of products and
grazing management strategies in reducing the fertility-depressing
effects of the fungal toxin zearalanone.
The management of ewe mating for reliable
and profitable early lamb production (PDF 13 Kb)
To investigate the effect of PMSG dose rate on early lambing
percentage (April/May), and to assess the extent of sympathetic
heat induction in non-treated ewes run with ewes treated with
The effect of ewe iodine supplementation
on perinatal lamb mortality (PDF 32 Kb)
To investigate whether supplementing ewes with iodine decreases
the perinatal lamb mortality rate, and to accurately record all
causes of ewe and lamb death from scanning to docking.
Reducing the number of dry twotooth ewes
(PDF 17 Kb)
To identify factors associated with the high number of non-pregnant
twotooth ewes in the coastal area running from Riverton to Orepuke
and Tuatapere.
Reducing the number of dry twotooth ewes
(PDF 95KB) (97FT09)
To Identify factors associated with the Southland region's high
number of non-pregnant twotooth ewes. Also, to develop a best
practice guide, based on the group's findings, for use in the
wider sheep industry.
The effect of pre-lamb iodine supplementation
on lamb losses and weaning weights (PDF 24 Kb)
To Investigate the impact of pre-lamb iodine supplementation
of ewes on ewe survival, neonatal lamb losses and lamb weaning
Triplet lamb survival
(PDF 628KB) (00FT76)
An improvement in triplet lamb survival may be possible if ewe
condition and feeding are managed appropriately up to lambing
to reduce ewe serum betahydroxybutyrate levels.
(A FITT Funded Project)
(347KB) (99FT59)
Jeff Sewell, scan operator from Malborough has collected a large
set of records in the form of a database from his sheep farmer
clients in Malborough and Nelson.