Project Name
Project Objectives
The development of ram breeding value information
for wool characteristics
PDF 151KB) (98FT23)
To investigate how wool bulk, fibre curvature, fibre diameter
and medullation change with sheep age and environmental conditions.
Also, to develop a standard system for presenting information
on the commercially important characteristics of rams wool to
ram buyers.
The effect of East Friesian genes on mid-micron
wool properties
(PDF 352KB) (99FT44)
To determine the effect of East Friesian genes on mid-micron
wool production and wool processing characteristics.
The economics of Merino lamb shearing
(PDF 89KB) (99FT48)
To determine the effect of shearing Merino lambs on lamb growth
rates, hogget wool processing characteristics and hogget wool
The occurrence of dark fibres in wool from
sheep with Texel breeding
(PDF 110KB) (99FT58)
To determine the extent of dark fibre contamination in wool clips
from lambs, hoggets, twotooths and mixed age ewes on a range of
farms running Texel type sheep.
The relationship between fibre diameter, fibre curvature and
corebulk in crossbred wool
(00FT81) No Report Yet
To demonstrate the relationship between fibre diameter, fibre
curvature and corebulk in crossbred wool in order to provide a
low cost alternative to the current method of measuring wool bulk.