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Media Releases

2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998

Referendum Results
1 September 2003 - Meat and wool referendum a resounding 'yes' on all counts.

Referendum Results by Region
1 September 2003 - Regional voting breakdowns for meat and wool referendum

Livestock at Start of Season
1 August 2003 - “Sheep numbers eased 1.0 per cent to 39.15 million head in the year to 1 July 2003”

Tougher Season for Sheep & Beef
4 July 2003 - “Sheep and Beef Farm businesses face a tougher 12 months for the season to 30 June 2004 than in the last 3 seasons."

Lambing percentage confirmed
17 April 2003 - New Zealand census information on lambs tailed confirms the MWI economic Service lamb crop survey percentage figure of 119.2%

Sheep & Beef farm output prices up 3.7%
13 March 2003 - Price paid for inputs on sheep and beef farms increased 3.7% between January 2002 and January 2003 according to MWI Economic Service

What has Happened to the Queen of Pasture Quality?
March 2003 - Russell Priest - Meat & Wool Innovation Beef Genetics Co-ordinator.
During late March, I was fortunate to be involved in the Angus and Hereford breed herd tours around Hawkes Bay and Gisborne respectively.

Sheep and Beef Farm Input Prices Up 3.7 Per Cent
13 March 2003 - Prices paid for inputs on sheep and beef farms increased 3.7 per cent between January 2002 and January 2003.

Agents back to school
18 Dec 2002 – “Stock and station agents are sharpening their pencils to learn about beef genetics from Meat & Wool Innovation (MWI).

Sheep and Beef Outlook Still Positive
27 Dec 2002 – “Sheep and Beef Farm profit for 2002-03 eases from last season's peak due to lower prices for lamb, sheep, and cattle production."

New record lambing percentage
22 Nov 2002 – “The national lambing percentage reached a new record of 124 per cent this spring”

Empty those sheep out before shearing
12 Nov 2002 – Meat & Wool Innovation is tackling the slippery problem of how long sheep should be kept off feed before shearing.

Pasture Quality on the Mind
11 Oct 2002 – Important news from Meat New Zealand to all farmers; pasture quality workshops are back.

Meat and Wool Innovation now in business
30 Sept 2002 – Meat & Wool Innovation Limited, the enterprise which will drive farmer-good services in the sheep, beef and goat industries, is now in business.

Orphan lambs can be reared successfully
25 September 2002 – Lambs orphaned in the recent southerly blast can be profitably reared on-farm, according to a research report released today.

Beware the black fibre
27 March 2002 – Farmers should take care when selecting replacement ewes for their flocks not to increase the incidence of black fibre in their wool clips, say wool exporters and WoolPro.

Premiums for quality-assured Drysdale wool in the US
12 March 2002 – United States mills will pay premium prices for quality-assured Drysdale wool, according to WoolPro and wool exporter H Dawson Wool NZ Ltd.

Employer sold on Modern Apprenticeships
28 January 2002 – Hastings-based shearing contractor, Kerry Brannigan, is one employer who is sold on the Modern Apprenticeships scheme.

From Dannevirke to Goose Green on a wool handler’s ticket
28 January 2002 – Lawrence farmer Sarah McTavish believes people skills are the most valuable thing she got from her time as a wool handler.

New wasp in fight against clover root weevil
25 January 2002 – Finding the right strain of a tiny wasp will be the key to solving farmers’ problems with the clover root weevil, say researchers.



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