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Grower Accreditation CriteriaSection 6: Staff Requirements6.1 Responsibility for Provision of StaffWhen an accredited shearing contractor is used, provision of qualified shearing and wool handling staff are the contractors responsibility. In an open shed, or when a non-accredited shearing contractor is used, the accredited grower has responsibility for the provision of qualified shearing and wool handling staff, even though some or all of the staff may be supplied as part of the shearing contract. 6.2 Minimum Shearer Standards6.2.1 Junior Shearing Certificate HoldersRequirement All shearers in the shed (other than a designated learner) must have a Meat & Wool Innovations junior or higher level shearing certificate. 6.2.2 Learner ShearersRequirement There is an allowance for one learner shearer in a shed of three stands or more. If learner shearers are used, the accredited grower must arrange for their supervision. 6.2.3 MerinosRequirement All shearers in accredited Merino sheds, other than the designated learner, must hold a Meat & Wool Innovations Fine Wool Shearing Endorsement. 6.3 Minimum Wool Handler StandardsRequirement All wool preparation must be controlled by a qualified person and a minimum number of certificated wool handling staff must be employed. The level of qualification of the controller and the number of qualified wool handlers required will depend on the type of wool and number of stands. 6.3.1 Wool Handling Controller or ClasserRequirement A designated Wool Handling Controller or Classer must be appointed for each shearing. This person, who must be in the shed throughout shearing, is responsible for ensuring wool preparation standards are met, supervising the wool handling staff (except where a different leading hand is appointed by an Accredited Shearing Contractor) and for signing the Grower Checklist. The qualified Wool Handling Controller must meet the following requirements for each of the specified wool types: Crossbred All crossbred clips must be prepared by either:
Halfbred/Corriedale A registered wool classer in the Halfbred/Corriedale category. This may be either a professional shed classer (including provisional) or an owner classer (in the case of accredited growers classing their own clip). Merino A registered wool classer in the Merino category. This may be either a professional shed classer (including provisional) or an owner classer (in the case of accredited growers classing their own clip). 6.3.2 Wool Handler QualificationsRequirement Qualified wool handlers must have attained a Meat & Wool Innovations Senior Wool handling Certificate in the appropriate category for the wool being handled, e.g. 2/S, full wool or fine wool. Wool Handling Certificates are issued in three categories: Second Shear, Full Fleece and Fine Wool. A certificate endorsed in the appropriate category for the wool being prepared must be held. The following chart indicates the minimum number of qualified wool handlers, including the Wool Handling Controller.
6.3.3 Number of Wool HandlersRequirement There must be enough wool handlers present during shearing to prepare the clip to the standards laid down in the New Zealand Wool Industry Code of Practice for Clip Preparation. While as a general rule, there should be a wool handler/shearer ratio of 1:1 this may vary, depending on:
6.4 Wool PresserRequirement The presser must be instructed by the accredited grower or contractor on the operation of the press and the packaging standards required. 6.5 Staff ContinuityRecommendation To ensure wool handling standards are consistent, the Wool Handling Controller should not change during shearing, other than in the event of ill-health or personal crisis. Every effort should also be made to ensure there are no changes in other staff during shearing. |
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