The Polwarth was developed in Victoria, Australia, in 1880 using Lincoln-Merino cross ewes and breeding
back to Merino rams. Cross-breeding continued for many years in Australia. In 1932 the Polwarth arrived
in New Zealand for the first time. The original Polwarth was horned and although horned Polwarths still
exist, the polled variety is now more common.
The breed does better than the Merino in wet and cold conditions. Today Polwarths are farmed in Canterbury,
Otago, Marlborough, Wairarapa and Hawkes Bay, although in small numbers.
The fine wool is highly regarded for worsted fabric manufacture, knitting yarns and apparels.
Classification: Dual-purpose, fine-wool breed with major emphasis on wool production.
Rams are used to fine-down coarse-woolled flocks, and to increase staple length, crimp and
quality in other breeds.
Found: Otago, Canterbury, Marlborough, Wairarapa and Hawkes Bay.
Description: Active animals with clear with faces, wool on the poll and pink
noses. Today they are mostly polled.
Numbers: 160,000
Body weight: Ewes: 5060 kg Rams: 6680 kg
Wool production: Fibre diameter 2325 microns Staple length 125175
mm Fleece weight 56 kg
Lamb production: 100120 per cent. Long breeding season.