One of Britain's oldest sheep breeds, the Ryeland has been used as a dual-purpose breed for over
600 years. It takes its name from the monks of Leominster, who bred the sheep in rye-growing areas of
South Herefordshire. It has a hardy constitution and thrives in most sheep countries.
The breed was first imported to New Zealand in 1903 and served as a prime lamb sire for crossbred
and halfbred stock. At the peak of its popularity in the 1930s and 1940s there were several hundred
flocks, but numbers have declined to 26 registered flocks today.
The fleece has a soft handle, springiness and dense staple with practically no kemps or black and
grey fibres. The clean white wool is suitable for textiles requiring a smooth finish and good resilience.
It is used to produce high-quality tweeds and hosiery.
Classification: Meat breed used as a terminal crossing sire. Short Down wool.
Found: Scattered throughout the country.
Description: Moderate-sized, thickset sheep with a white gave and legs that are
usually covered with wool.
Numbers: 500
Body weight: Ewes: 5560 kg Rams: 7380 kg
Wool production: Fibre diameter 2632 microns Staple length 75100
mm Fleece weight 34 kg
Lamb production: 100120 per cent