Tectra - education & training in New Zealand's Wool Industry Tectra - education & training in New Zealand's Wool Industry Tectra - education & training in New Zealand's Wool Industry Tectra - education & training in New Zealand's Wool Industry
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Wool Harvesting Modern Apprenticeships

Moder Apprenticeships Tectra is proud to be part of the Modern Apprenticeship programme run by the Tertiary Education Commission.

As a Modern Apprenticeship Coordinator, Tectra works with apprentices and employers to ensure that all involved are in a win-win situation.

Under the programme the Modern Apprentice gets a position with a progressive employer for the duration of the apprenticeship and a nationally recognised qualification. The employer gets a motivated young person, keen to develop their skills and advance in the industry, and the right support to make managing the Modern Apprenticeship easy.

We work hard to develop a personalised training programme for the Modern Apprentice that sets out what needs to be covered under the apprenticeship. We regularly contact our apprentices and their employer to provide them with any support they require.

We work with employers so that they are aware of what the programme entails and any responsibilities that they may have. We also handle all the administration.

Like most apprenticeships, a wool harvesting apprenticeship takes three years. It's not long when you consider the variety of skills you will learn along the way and, just as importantly, that you have the security of ongoing employment while you are in the programme.

Interested or want to know more? Contact one of our regional Modern Apprentice coordinators:

North Island: David Long, 027 4900749
South Island (Canterbury, Westcoast, Nelson & Marlborough): Tom Wilson, 027 591 7759
South Island (South Canterbury, Otago, & Southland): Robyne Murray, 027 581 8144

Or call Tectra free phone 0800 496 657.