Tectra - education & training in New Zeaalnd's Wool Industry Tectra - education & training in New Zeaalnd's Wool Industry Tectra - education & training in New Zeaalnd's Wool Industry Tectra - education & training in New Zeaalnd's Wool Industry
Tectra - Education and Training in New Zealand's Wool Industry      
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Crutching and Dagging Starter Course

This three day course takes those who are new to the shearing industry and gives them a general understanding of wool shed operations, and specifically focuses on learning how to crutch and dag sheep. It also allows participants to achieve unit standards once a logbook of work experience is completed. 

The course costs $30 and all equipment is supplied.

Our friendly and experienced tutors will have you understanding the workings of a woolshed and the part you play within the team. You will learn to set up a handpiece, work with animals, and know how to crutch and dag sheep and taking the right actions needed when checking sheep for blindness or pizzle rot.

By the end of the course you will be able to catch and hold sheep for crutching and remove dags and stained or dirty wool. You will also be proficient in crutching and dagging sheep without injury to the animal or yourself.

Please click here for more information about where and when the courses are held.

If you are interested and want to enrol please contact your local regional training manager manager for more information or call freephone 0800 496 657.