Course Content
There are five papers in this programme which most people choose to complete part time over two years. Each paper is taught over the academic year - 1st March - 30th November. Each of the course papers are briefly described below. Introduction to the New Zealand Wool IndustryThe objective of this paper is to spell out the functions of the individuals and organisations that make up the wool industry; from the growers of the wool to the processor of finished wool products, the agencies that promote these to the world, and how all of these fit together. Introduction to Sheep and Wool ProductionThis paper looks at the general nature of sheep farming and wool production in New Zealand with particular emphasis on information thought to be most necessary for those involved in the production, handling, marketing and processing of wool. Wool Characteristics and their Assessment (Must be taken with Wool Classification)This paper gives a sounds knowledge of the textile parameters of wool and their significance in grading, classing, marketing and manufacture. The knowledge gained will be backed up with the practical skills developed during the mid-year block course. Wool Classification (Must be taken with Wool Characteristics and their Assessment)This paper familiarises the student with all the situations where classes of wool need to be identified and documented, wools needs to be physically divided into classes or subclasses brought together to form a new class, and where wool needs to be specified for class in subjective or objective terms. Practical skills will be mastered during the mid year block course. A sound knowledge of wool parameters and their assessment is vital to progress through this paper and for this reason wool characteristics and wool classification must be taken together. Communication and InformationThis paper concentrates on the practical ways in which communication affects people's lives eg; letters, job applications, interviews, reports. The course also investigates ways of obtaining, analysing and presenting information, with particular relevance to the wool industry. Block CourseA block course is run in early June. This allows you to put into practice some of the skills you have learnt. You will also visit some sheds and wool scouring operations, meet with wool brokers and wool exporters. It is a compulsory requirement to attend this course to complete the qualification. We run one block course in Canterbury and one in Palmerston North - you can choose which course suits you best. |
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