Spring 1999 (issue #4)
- Selling on Woolnet — Think like a buyer to get the best prices
- Dog … gone — Sheep measles and the need to dose dogs
- Colourful sheep spin rural business — At $12/kg, who's laughing now?
- Sterile males needed — Massey fly research shows promise
- Shopping for genes — SIL says goodbye to the dart board effect
- An uphill battle — One man's lifetime commitment to high country farming
(cover story)
- The quality chain grows — FQP farmer
- More weapons in the armoury — An integrated approach to killing flies
and lice
- Wool handling gets it first graduate —Bernadine Shelford, the first person
to get the National Certificate in Wool Handling from a WoolPro training
- Dangerous bales — tips for safe pressing
- You can beat declining prices — Increased production is the key to profit
growth for sheep farmers
- What's it worth — Don't settle for less when selling your wool (get your
wool valued)
- Oddments